You are here: Home Repertory FLOWSERVE SRL


flowserve-srl Via Prealpi 30/32 - 20032 Cormano (MI)
Telephone: 02 663251
Fax: 02 66325504
Local branch employees: From 50 to 249 staff
Employees in Italy: From 50 to 249 staff
Average turnover - last three years: From Euro 5 million to 30 million
Region: Lombardy
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union, Turkey, North Africa, Middle East, India, China, other Countries

Marketing and service in relation to regulating valves and equipment for controlling industrial fluids.

Core business settings
Water, Air, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, Conventional energy, Other (nuclear: valve manufacturing)

Technologies and Components
Water valves
Air valves
Compensation boilers, Biomass / pellet boilers, Energy efficiency materials for building
Biomass, Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Solar thermodynamic, Hydrogen (Marketing of hydrogen valves)
Valves for biomass plants
Valves for geothermal plants
Valves for hydroelectric valves
Other (valves)
Combined cycle power plants, Cogeneration plants, Coal-fired thermoelectric plants, Methane gas thermoelectric plants, Fuel oil thermoelectric plants
Other (Valves and other products that improve efficiency)

Technical consultancy on water