Horizon 2020 - Selezione dei bandi per le imprese - febbraio 2014
La Commissione Europea ha pubblicato i nuovi bandi di HORIZON 2020 per agevolare tramite contributi a fondo perduto le spese di ricerca e innovazione delle imprese. Assolombarda segnala le seguenti opportunità, divise per ambiti tecnologici:
- tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione;
- trasporti intelligenti, ecologici e integrati;
- ambiente: clima, efficienza delle risorse e materie prime;
- salute, cambiamenti demografici e benessere;
- agro-alimentare: sicurezza alimentare e agricoltura sostenibile;
- nanotecnologie, materiali avanzati, biotecnologie, produzione e lavorazione avanzata;
- energia;
- sicurezza.
Tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione
Tema di ricerca: Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)
Indicato per: PMI in grado di proporre idee innovative nel campo dell’ICT
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to SME proposing innovative ICT concept, product and services with a threefold objective: nurture promising innovative and disruptive ideas; support their prototyping, validation and demonstration in real world conditions; help for wider deployment or market uptake. The objectives will support the validation, fast prototyping and demonstration of disruptive innovation bearing a strong EU dimension. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of ICT innovations; increase of private investment in innovation, notably through private co-investments and/or follow-up investments in successfully supported SMEs; the expected impact should be clearly substantiated in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Trasporti intelligenti, ecologici e integrati
Tema di ricerca: Small business innovation research for Transport
Indicato per: PMI in grado di creare nuovi posti di lavoro, affrontare le sfide ambientali e legate al tema della mobilità, migliorando la capacità di innovazione e promuovendo l’avvio di nuove PMI.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to improve the European transport capacity to deliver the best products and services, in a time and cost efficient manner, in order to preserve its leadership and create new jobs, as well as to tackle the environmental and mobility defies. The role of SMEs to meet these challenges is critical as they are key players in the supply chains. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenges of the Transport Specific Programme in a sustainable way; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments; the expected impact should be clearly described in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Ambiente: Clima, efficienza delle risorse e materie prime
Tema di ricerca: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials
Indicato per: PMI in grado di diffondere sul mercato e distribuire soluzioni eco-innovative che affrontino in modo sostenibile i temi specifici del clima, l’ambiente, l’efficienza nell’uso delle risorse e materie prime.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to support and guide all types of eco-innovative SMEs to reach and accelerate their full green growth potential, focusing on SMEs showing a strong ambition to develop, grow and internationalise. All kinds of promising ideas, products, processes, services and business models, notably across sectors and disciplines, for commercialisation both in a business-to-business (B2B) and a business-to-customer (B2C) context, are eligible. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific Challenge of “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” in a sustainable way; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments; the expected impact should be clearly described in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Salute, cambiamenti demografici e benessere
Tema di ricerca: SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability
Indicato per: PMI appartenenti al settore delle biotecnologie ad alta intensità di ricerca con necessità di accorciare i tempi tra la fase di sviluppo tecnologico e la penetrazione sul mercato.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to support the large number of SMEs which characterise the EU biotechnology sector. These SMEs play a crucial role in the move to competitive and sustainable biotechnology-based processes. They are characterised by their research intensity and long lead times between early technological development and market introduction. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenge of boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments; the expected impact should be clearly described in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Agro-Alimentare: Sicurezza alimentare e agricoltura sostenibile
Tema di ricerca: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing
Indicato per: PMI in grado di migliorare nel sistema alimentare l’efficienza nell’utilizzo delle materie prime e garantire o migliorare la durata, sicurezza e qualità di produzione e trasformazione.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to revise and optimise the current food production and processing systems, especially in the SME sector, with the aim of achieving a significant reduction in water and energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation, while at the same time improving the efficiency in the use of raw materials, increasing climate resilience and ensuring or improving shelf life, food safety and quality. New competitive eco-innovative processes should be developed, within the framework of a transition towards a more resource-efficient, sustainable circular economy. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenge of Sustainable Food Security in a sustainable way; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments; the expected impact should be clearly described in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Nanotecnologie, materiali avanzati, biotecnologie, produzione e lavorazione avanzata
Tema di ricerca: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs
Indicato per: PMI in grado di sviluppare soluzioni innovative nell’ambito delle nanotecnologie, i materiali avanzati e le tecnologie di produzione e di lavorazione avanzata, al fine di una loro tempestiva introduzione sul mercato.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is aimed to create added value of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by creatively combining existing research results with other necessary elements, to transfer results across sectors where applicable, to accelerate innovation and eventually create profit or other benefits. The research should bring the technology and production to industrial readiness and maturity for commercialisation after the project. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the commercial uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced production technologies in a sustainable way; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments; the expected impact should be clearly described in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Tema di ricerca: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system
Indicato per: PMI in grado di sviluppare soluzioni tecnologiche per un uso dell’energia più efficiente e con ridotte emissioni di carbonio.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to contribute to all following challenges: reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by smart and sustainable use; low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply; alternative fuels and mobile energy source; a single, smart European electricity grid; new knowledge and technologies; robust decision making and public engagement. Expected impact: enhancing profitability and growth performance of SMEs by combining and transferring new and existing knowledge into innovative, disruptive and competitive solutions seizing European and global business opportunities; market uptake and distribution of innovations tackling the specific challenges outlined in the legal base of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ in a sustainable way; increase of private investment in innovation, notably leverage of private co-investor and/or follow-up investments; the expected impact should be clearly described in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Per approfondimenti:
Tema di ricerca: Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures”
Indicato per: PMI in grado di sfruttare i risultati del passato e in corso, della ricerca internazionale e nell’UE legati alla protezione degli obiettivi sensibili urbani e delle infrastrutture critiche.
Agevolazione: I Fase: 50 mila Euro forfettari; II Fase: contributo a fondo perduto sino al 70% delle spese ammissibili.
Tipologia: SME Instrument
Codice: H2020-SMEINST-2-2014
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: Bando aperto. Scadenze 2014: 18/06/2014; 24/09/2014; 17/12/2014 Prima Fase; 9/10/2014; 17/12/2014 Seconda Fase
Obiettivo e impatto atteso: this topic is addressed to engage small and medium enterprises in protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures. Specific consideration should be given to “urban soft targets”, which are exposed to increasing security threats which can be defined as urban areas into which large numbers of citizens are freely admitted, for usual activities or special events or routinely reside or gather. Taking into consideration the results of past and on-going EU and international research in this field, they can cover any aspect of the urban critical infrastructure protection, such as, for example: designing buildings and urban areas; protection of energy/transport/communication grids; critical infrastructure surveillance solutions; protecting supply chains; avoiding cyber-attacks and developing cyber resilience systems for critical infrastructures. Expected impact: high throughput screening of people and their bags including the ability to screen them in reasonably real-time as people approach entrances to buildings or enter public transportation system; high throughput screening for vehicles to identify threats that warrant further inspection; potential CBRN-E threats and the way in which these threats could be carried-out against soft targets and critical infrastructures; mitigation of vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, with a specific focus on vehicle-borne ones.
Per approfondimenti:
Per informazioni è possibile contattare Pierluigi Bertolini, tel 02.58370.703, e-mail pierluigi.bertolini@assolombarda.it o Giulia Podestà, tel 02.58370.701, e-mail giulia.podesta@assolombarda.it. Per fissare un appuntamento per valutare gli incentivi e i finanziamenti più adatti alla tua impresa clicca qui.