Via Santa Giovanna d'Arco 5
- 20124
Website: www.zelian.it Email: zelian@zelian.it Telephone: 02 29414807 Fax: 02 29406753 Local branch employees: Up to 9 staff Employees in Italy: Up to 9 staff Average turnover - last three years: Up to Euro 2 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union
Positioning strategies and strategic and institutional communication services, B2B and B2C; scientific (chemical and energy) and environmental communication; issue and crisis management; media relations; web, social media, and viral communication; networking for companies, bodies, institutions, and national and international associations Italian delegates at the International Chamber of Commerce's Green Economy Task Force.
Core business settings
Other (marketing and communication / environment and energy)
Other (Marketing and communication services, specialising in the environment and sustainable development, waste, energy efficiency, renewable energy and environment-friendly products)