Via Papa Giovanni XXIII 49
- 20090
Website: Email: Telephone: 02 95328257 Fax: 02 95328321 Local branch employees: From 10 to 19 staff Employees in Italy: From 10 to 19 staff Average turnover - last three years: From Euro 2 million to 5 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union, Turkey, Middle East, India, China, other Countries.
Manufacturing and saleof measuring instruments for industrial processes
Core business settings
Water, Waste, Air, Renewable energy sources, Conventional energy sources
Technologies and Components
Other (Instruments for checking flow rates, pressures, levels and temperatures for water)
Other (Instruments for checking flow rates, pressures, levels and temperatures for waste)
Other (Instruments for checking flow rates, pressures, levels and temperatures for air)
Biomass, Waste similar to solid urban waste, Geothermal plants, Hydroelectric plants
Other (Instruments for checking flow rates, pressures, levels and temperatures for waste to energy)
Other (Instruments for checking flow rates, pressures, levels and temperatures for geothermal energy)
Other (Instruments for checking flow rates, pressures, levels and temperatures for hydroelectric energy)
Combined cycle power plants, Cogeneration plants, Coal-fired thermoelectric plants, Methane gas thermoelectric plants, Fuel oil thermoelectric plants