You are here: Home Repertory GBSOLS SRL


gbsols-srl Via Angelo Moro, 115 - 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
Telephone: 02 51751525
Local branch employees: Up to 9 staff
Employees in Italy: Up to 9 staff
Average turnover - last three years: Up to Euro 2 million
Region: Lombardy
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy

Energy efficiency in buildings: from energy analysis to executing works and subsequent plant management

Core business settings
Energy efficiency, Renewable energy sources, Conventional energy sources

Technologies and Components
Biomass/pellet boilers
Condensation boilers
Boilers for solar heating systems
Collectors for solar heating systems
High efficiency compressors
High efficiency fan coils
Solar heating systems
Joinery to reduce heat loss
High efficiency inverters
Materials for building energy efficiency
High efficiency heat pumps (from underground)
Regulation systems for solar heating systems
High efficiency air treatment units (UTA)
High efficiency fans
Biomass plants
Wind energy plants
Photovoltaic plants
Geothermal plants
Hydroelectric plants
Photovoltaic panels
Transformers for photovoltaic plants
Cogeneration plants

Technical consultancy on energy efficiency
Bureaucratic procedures for energy efficiency
Technical consultancy on solar heating systems
Technical consultancy on lighting systems
Bureaucratic procedures for solar heating systems
Bureaucratic procedures for lighting systems
Technical consultancy on biomass
Technical consultancy on energy efficiency
Technical consultancy on photovoltaic plants
Technical consultancy on geothermal plants
Technical consultancy on hydroelectric plants
Monitoring for biomass
Monitoring for wind energy
Monitoring for photovoltaic plants
Monitoring for geothermal plants
Monitoring for hydroelectric plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for biomass
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for wind energy
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for photovoltaic plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for geothermal plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for hydroelectric plants
Technical consultancy on conventional energy
Monitoring for conventional energy
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for conventional energy