Via A. Falck 4/16
- 20099
Sesto San Giovanni
Website: www.falckrenewables.eu Email: info@falckgroup.eu Telephone: 02 24331 Fax: 02 24333581 Local branch employees: From 20 to 49 staff Employees in Italy: From 20 to 49 staff Average turnover - last three years: More than Euro 50 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union
Producing energy from renewable sources (biomass, wind, photovoltaic)
Core business settings
Waste, Renewable energy
Technologies and Components
Waste to energy plants
Biomass, Wind, Waste similar to solid urban waste, Solar photovoltaic, Vegetable oils / biofuels, Solar thermodynamic
Biomass plants
Waste to energy plants
Photovoltaic plants