Enel SPA
Via Porlezza 12 (Sede legale Centrale: V.le Regina Margherita 137, 00198 Roma)
- 20123
Website: www.enel.com Telephone: 02 23202111 Fax: 06 83052211 Local branch employees: More than 1000 staff Employees in Italy: More than 1000 staff Average turnover - last three years: More than Euro 50 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union, North Africa, other Countries.
Generation, distribution and marketing of electricity
Distribution and marketing of gas
Core business settings
Air, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, Conventional energy, Other (nuclear)
Technologies and Components
Gas emission treatment plants, Air valves, Air pumps, Air turbines, Filters (dust reduction systems), Desulphurisation plants, Electrostatic Precipitators, Denox systems, Absorbers, Active carbon systems
Compensation boilers, Solar heating systems, High efficiency fan coils, Lighting systems, High efficiency inverters, High efficiency heat pumps, High efficiency air treatment units (UTA), Other (solar photovoltaic, mini wind power, and other electric vehicle type)
Solar heating systems, Solar heating system collectors, Solar heating system boilers, Solar heating system regulating systems
Class A,ClasseB, Class C, Class D, Class E, Class F, Class G
Biomass, Wind Power, Waste similar to solid urban waste,Solar photovoltaic, Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Vegetable oils / biofuels, Solar thermodynamic
Biomass plants, Boilers for biomass plants, Valves for biomass plants, Network collectors for biomass plants, Network fans for biomass plants, Control systems for biomass plants, Turbines for biomass plants, Generators for biomass plants, Electric motors for biomass plants, Transformers for biomass plants
Wind power plants, Rotors, Braking systems, Towers, Gear transmission boxes, Generators for wind power plants, Control systems for wind power plants, Shuttles, Transformers for wind power plants, Other
Waste to energy generators, Waste to energy control systems, Waste to energy transformers
Photovoltaic plants, Photovoltaic panels, Inverters for photovoltaic plants, Transformers for photovoltaic plants
Geothermal plants, Turbines or geothermal plants, Valves for geothermal plants, Network collectors for geothermal plants, Fans for geothermal plants, Control systems for geothermal plants, Generators for geothermal plants, Transformers for geothermal plants
Hydroelectric plants, Turbines for hydroelectric plants, Valves for hydroelectric plants, Control systems for hydroelectric plants, Generators for hydroelectric plants, Transformers for hydroelectric plants
Linear parabolic collector plants, Solar reflectors, Receiver pipes, Other (at reply study stage, Tower plants, Circular parabolic collector plants, Fresnel linear parabolic collector plants)
Combined cycle power plants, Cogeneration plants, Coal-fired thermoelectric plants, Methane gas thermoelectric plants, Fuel oil thermoelectric plants
Turbines for conventional plants, Boilers for conventional plants, Generators for conventional plants, Transformers for conventional plants, Control systems for conventional plants