COREPLA Consorzio Nazionale per la Raccolta, il Riciclaggio e il Recupero degli Imballaggi in Plastica
Via Del Vecchio Politecnico 3
- 20121
Website: Email: Telephone: 02 76054201 Fax: 02 76054320 Local branch employees: From 20 to 49 staff Employees in Italy: From 20 to 49 staff Average turnover - last three years: More than Euro 50 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union (Clients only)
Private non-profit consortium set up in terms of Legislative Decree 22/97 to: - Promote separate urban collection of domestic and similar plastic packaging waste. - Guarantee attainment of Community and National recycling and recovery goals in relation to plastic packaging waste. - To ensure that plastic packaging waste that cannot be disposed of via the public collection service is picked up from industrial companies. - To inform and educate citizens, institutions, and companies about correct management of plastic packaging, promoting prevention of creation of waste, and separate collection, recycling and recovery of the same.
Core business settings
Other (Obligatory consortium to which companies that put plastic packaging on the market have to belong).