Via Gaetano Giardino 4
- 20123
Website: www.certiquality.it Email: certiquality@certiquality.it Telephone: 02 80691723 Fax: 02 86465295 Local branch employees: From 50 to 249 staff Employees in Italy: From 50 to 249 staff Average turnover - last three years: From Euro 5 million to 30 million Region: Lombardy |
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union, North Africa, other Countries
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certifications, EMAS, UNI CEI EN 16001 Energy Management System Certifications, Energy audits, Greenhouse gas checks, FSC certification, EPD certification.
Core business settings
Water, Waste, Air, Land and reclamation, Outside noise, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy sources, Conventional energy sources