You are here: Home Repertory SINTECNICA SRL


sintecnica-srl Via della Circonvallazione 11 - 57023 Cecina (LI)
Telephone: 0586 930411
Fax: 0586 764636
Local branch employees: From 20 to 49 staff
Employees in Italy: From 20 to 49 staff
Average turnover - last three years: Up to Euro 2 million
Region: Tuscany Region
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy, European Union, North Africa, Middle East, other Countries.

Multi-discipline engineering company that operates in the energy sector

Core business settings
Renewable energy, Conventional energy sources

Technologies and Components
Wind energy plants
Photovoltaic plants
Geothermal plants
Methane gas thermoelectric plants

Technical consultancy on wind energy
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for wind energy
Other Wind energy (basic and detailed design for constructing wind energy plants. Design of roadways, foundations, plant layouts, cable ducts, and electrical substations. Direction of Works, safety management).
Technical consultancy on photovoltaic plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for photovoltaic plants
Other Photovoltaic (Process and detailed engineering, feasibility studies, follow-up during plant construction).
Technical consultancy on geothermal plants
Monitoring for geothermal plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for geothermal plants
Other Geothermal (Basic and detailed engineering for civil and plant works for complete design of power plant using the geothermal resource and producing energy. Protection of Works, safety management. Commissioning of geothermal plants, geological surveys to identify geothermal sites
Technical consultancy on conventional energy
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for conventional energy
Other Conventional energy (basic and detailed engineering for designing and constructing methane gas thermoelectric plants).