You are here: Home Repertory EOS SRL SERVIZI GENERALI


eos-srl-servizi-generali Piazza IV Novembre, 7 - 20124 Milano (MI)
Telephone: 02 87343140
Fax: 02 89877535
Local branch employees: Up to 9 staff
Employees in Italy: Up to 9 staff
Average turnover - last three years: Up to Euro 2 million
Region: Lombardy
Works in
Lombardy Region, Rest of Italy

Environmental services management: disposal and transportation of industrial waste - environmental reclamation - analysis - consultancy, etc

Core business settings
Waste, Land and Reclamation, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy

Technical consultancy on waste
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for waste
Waste recovery
Waste disposal
Waste storage
Waste transportation
Waste collection
Management of reclamation works
Planning of reclamation works
Technical consultancy on reclamation
Preliminary investigation and environmental monitoring
Bureaucratic procedures for reclamation
Removal / treatment of materials ""ex situ""
Removal / treatment of materials ""in situ""
Removal / treatment of materials ""on site""
Technical consultancy on energy efficiency
Bureaucratic procedures for energy efficiency
Technical consultancy on renewable energy
Monitoring for renewable energy
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for renewable energy
Technical consultancy on photovoltaic plants
Technical consultancy on biomass
Technical consultancy on wind energy
Technical consultancy on hydroelectric plants
Monitoring for photovoltaic plants
Monitoring for biomass
Monitoring for energy from renewable sources
Monitoring for wind energy
Monitoring for hydroelectric plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for photovoltaic plants
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for biomass
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for wind energy
Bureaucratic procedures (VIA, DIAP, etc.) for hydroelectric plants